Economics: "The Force of the River Itself." Daniel Madigan [Professor Brad Bateman]

Economics "The Origin of Marginal Economics in Richard Ely's Textbook Outlines of Economics." Gustavo Torres [Professor Brad Bateman]

Economics: "Economic Applications of Game Theory." Ashraf Jaffer, Shekhar Shah, Binyam Taddese. [Professor William Ferguson]

Economics: "Educational Quality and Earnings." Katharine Anderson [Professor Mark Montgomery]

Economics: "Male & Female Completion Rates for Graduate Business School." Katharine Anderson [Professor Mark Montgomery].

Economics: "Equity Valuation Prophecies." Ammar Bandukwala [Professor Paul Munyon]

Economics: "Women's Economic Status in Sweden and the U.S.: Public Policy Implications?" Ted Massey [Professor Irene Powell]

Last updated on October 2, 2001